Sunday, December 7, 2008

Green Jobs Revolution

Last Out of Class Meeting - 12/07

- Working on last assignment - Reaction Paper # 3
- Blog Revision
- Getting ready for donation - $ 260.00

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bake Sales

We are so pleased with the way our two bake sales turned out! We raised approximately $100 just for two days! And there is a huge yard sale coming this Sunday - 11/19. In addition we will be selling more sweets. Everyone is welcome - 2420 Camden ct. Santa Cruz. Of course all the proceeds will go to "Green For All" Organization. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Agenda for 11/09 - out of class meeting:

1. Discussed presentation and icebreaker game
2. Discussed handout materials for class
3. Prepared a list of needed items for bake sale - 11/11
4. Scheduled an out of class meeting - 11/10 to prepare for bake sale

All Present ( 4 of us  - Robert Gonzalez is not going to attend class anymore)
Agenda for 11/05 Class:

Presentation Preparation:
working on our slideshow presentation

All Present

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Leadership Presentation Game

We will divide the class into teams. The teams that everyone is in for their group work would work fine, or we could make all new groups, adding a different challenge.  There will be blank pieces of paper laid out on the floor in a grid of 10 x 10.  There will be one correct way to get to the other side by walking across the paper.  The path is unknown to the players and adds the elements of trial and error, memory, teamwork, leadership, and competition.  Each team will choose a member when it is their turn to try to get to the other side of the papers. Their turn lasts as long as they do not step on a square that is not part of the path.  The first team to reach the other side wins!  We will also add "hot squares" which will be off the path, but in which case the player steps on one, they will have to answer a general knowledge question taken from class material.   Their teammates can yell answers to them, which can be helpful or turn into chaos.  If they answer the question correctly, they will have a chance to redeem themselves and find the path again.